Dang Washington sounds like it was so fun lol. You have no idea right now how much i miss traveling. I think about the beach and Rome and all kinds of places that I would like to visit and then i say in my mind, "after the mission, after the mission". lol. Also i don't have Dengue Fever and don't sweat it i use my bugspray, plus I've only been bit like twice here. I ve seen others peoples legs and its like covered in red bites blek. This is where im grateful for blood that the bugs supposedly don't love. The language is coming, more and mroe each day. Most of the time i can understand the conversations. I am able to teach which supposedly is a miracle as i have been talking to other North Americans when they started and I guess I am doing great. Hey mom, so alot of the people in my ward are finding me on facebook lol. I'd prefer if they didnt know my first name lol so if you could, could you try to change that this week to Hermana? lol thanks a ton!
So this week has been so much better than last. I feel like I'm adjusting better to the mission life. But as the title of my email states i think last week was a little blessing. I read this week the notes i took from a talk that Sister Nelson gave while I was in the CCM and what she said was that when we are desperate things change. She referenced various stories in the scriptures and then said that 'when we are desperate we become more humble and our prayers change with more fervor and strife. Önly then when you are anguishingly desperate , you will serve your mission for Jesus. Then you will be lead to those that are desperate for the gospel." Last week, i was desperate, and this week we found someone desperate for the gospel. Hermana Raquel Calle in our ward gave us a reference as soon as we walked into her home for Petronila Casquero. We walked right over and introduced ourselves and then set up a time to visit later. She has two little girls 6 and 2. When we came back it was as if Satan was doing all that he could to stop us from teaching. the band for the high school was practicing RIGHT outside and her two daughters kept fighting and crying. Yet the spirit was there. Petronila or Peto told us of her sad story that she had been married for five years but that no more than five months ago her husband left her for someone else. She said that she had been praying desperately that her two daughters could grow up with a strong faith in God. She cried alot but as we listened with the spirit we brought peace to her soul as we spoke of the atoning power of Jesus Christ. Oh how sweet the gospel is!! She was visibly lifted when we left and was eager for us to return. Guys, I know that God knows all of his children individually and will guide us to those that are ready for his word. Likewise as he understands his children here in Piura and he loves his missionaries.
Saturday we had our district meeting and Elder Rollins, our District Leader asked that Hermana Echegaray and I prepare part of the lesson utilizing the subheading Listen in Preach My Gospel. We studied it that morning and I felt impressed to try, once again the cool testimony watching thing that we did in the CCM. Hermana Echegaray was sooo hesitant but finally we tried it. I was able to see and hear the beauty in Hermana Echegaray's testimony and then give her strength according to her needs. We decided to then do it in tjhe district meeting. I was a little nervous because so far i had only done it one on one and now, only once in spanish, whereas four itmes in english. We asked Elder Rollins to be our exemplar and give his testimony in front of everyone and then we would evaluate it. Wow. His testimony was so powerful and the whole room changed. What before had been a casual District Meeting turned into a room filled to the brim with the spirirt. After we evaluated his, we put everyone that was there in groups to do the same to their partners. Something awesome was that we had visitors come to watch. Hermano Marcos Espinosa, our ward missionary leader, and two young men preparing to serve missions of their own in our ward, one that was a recent convert. As i walked aroudn the room and listened to each group i could feel the spirit so strongly. Many tears were shed and afterwards our own district felt closer. Elder Rollins turned to me at one point and said, " Thank you. This has been an answer to many prayers." I started to tear up as i realized his answer to prayers had been an answers to mine. Each morning before my personal study I ask God to sanctify my sutdy that i might use it to strengthen someone during my day, whether it be me, my companion, or someone we teach. Oh had the Lord blessed me.
So this week has been a true blessing and I am beginning to see the beautiful miracles that are taking place here in Miraflores, Piura, Peru. From Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk this past conference, i testify with him that,
" As you keep the commandments and pray in faith to see the Lord's hand in your life, I promise you that He will open your spiritual eyes even wider and you will see more clearly that you are not alone."
I encourage you to look at this talk becuase it really is beautiful. But I have been learning, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
I love love love you guys and I'm glad you guys are growing just like me. I pray for you guys each and every day and there isn't a day that goes by that i dont think of you guys. Dont stop being lights to those around you and guys share the gospel with everyone! I promise the Lord will guide you to opportunities to bless others lives with you strong testimonies, as you have blessed mine. So that is your challenge this week. Find someone that you can listen to and listen with the spirit. Then bear your testimony. In any way that you can. It doesn't have to be grand, but share what you know. I promise that as you pray in faith, you will receive. I'll be praying for oppotunites for you guys over here too so good luck!
Love you eternally and every day
Hermana Tanuvasa
My District in Miraflores
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